It seemed like every time Jason casted his reel he had bites and was keeping me busy as the official pliers holder. He even broke his line a few times trying to reel those bad boys in. See, catfish and drum and trout in our area are mutantlike because of all the chemical plants around, they have superfish strength from all the radioactive chemicals and debris that has made it's way into our water. Or at least that is what I like to tell myself. That they glow in the dark and wear little capes.
He kept laughing because I have absolutely no fear of fish or touching them or baiting hooks and I kept yelling out to him, "Knock him in the head and he won't writhe around so much." I'm a peach. It also seemed a bit ironic to me that we were catching fish in the Wildlife Refuge because, well, isn't it, you know a REFUGE? *shrug* It made for a lot of really great photo ops as you can see below, I couldn't put my camera down there was too much action going on!
We left as the sun was setting and feeling completely rejuvenated for the week ahead. It was a good day. I would like to thank Jas for his patience and stopping 3,000 times in the car so I could get the shots I wanted. And to Mom and Ron, I hope you like fish, because we just might be having a fish fry kind of Easter this weekend. :)

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