Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, August 27, 2009


So, what, you are saying that because on a weekend where I have no committments and I spend the time re-painting the kitchen whose existing color was only about 2 years old instead of vegging on the couch watching lifetime and napping that I am OLD? WHAT? ME?



Whatever. Haters!
I believe you can make out the stack of mail on the counter with a letter from AARP on top.
*cough cough*
Loads of love, Mack

Monday, August 24, 2009

Welcome, Amy Ray!

Our niece, Amy Ray, arrived Thursday afternoon weighing in at 6lb 11oz and 19 3/4 inches long! She has a full head of blondish/strawberry hair and the sweetest little face! We got to visit with her at the hospital and it is obvious we are already putty in her hands.

Congratulations, Bell's!

XOXO, Aunt Mack & Uncle Jason

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Made a trip out to the property this weekend. It is actually at a stage now that progress pics can be taken. Join me for a tour?

The office and beginnings of a front deck:

Proccessing equipment with the fire water pond directly behind:

Jason's future office, I tried to talk him into keeping the purple walls but he wasn't having it. ;o)

Conference room:

Augie's future office, or what I like to call, "Thank goodness paint is cheap!" No offense to the Looney Tunes fans, there is just something creepy about Daffy Duck holding his beak in his hands, what is all that about?

Still some work to do, but coming along nicely!

Friday, August 7, 2009

I Need To Wear A Helmet.

Just completely fell out of my chair because I log onto etsy today and one of my items made the very front page of the featured handpicked items!!

I knew something was up because I did my normal routine of checking my shop at around 8am. Then work got really slow so for the heck of it, I checked it again around 9am. Oddly, one of my items had jumped from about 30 views to nearly 200. *eyebrow raise* I knew something was up because that just doesn't happen!

Sure enough I click to the front page and notice the front page theme is orange:

So I scroll down and there it is! My fall flower girl pomander in the middle of the bottom row! It is this item.

In shock. Very good and excited shock. Wow. Still cannot believe. *runs to go look again*



Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Celebrate The Old.

One of the things I love about birthdays is that there is usually some really good food involved! Last night we met up with the fam to celebrate Jason's birthday at Roma's. I made sure to bring my big purse so I could smuggle some garlic knots home.

Just when I thought Roma's couldn't get any more amazing, someone there must have great taste in music because they played Lionel Richie's greatest hits all evening long (or wait, "ALL NIGHT LOOONG, ALL NIGHT, YEAH, ALL NIGHT"). BAHAHAHAHA. SCORE!

And with that, Jason's birthday officially comes to a close. Nothing like ending on a high note!

Getting birthday snuggles from Evan.

Monday, August 3, 2009

She Came, We Cooked.

Laci flew in Friday afternoon and we met her at Gigi's, went to visit my aunt and then headed home. Popped in a Christmas CD in my car and we jammed to Jingle Bell Rock and I knew it was going to be a good weekend. Jason braced himself. :)

I was just a leeeeeeeeetle excited to see her. We got to our house and watched The Haunting Of Connecticut and Ron told stories of his days working at a funeral home. He actually lived in an apartment above the room that housed all the dead bodies. I threw up in my mouth a few times and then Laci and I split a bowl of ice cream. Sidenote: Has anyone tried Blue Bell's new Southern Blackberry Cobbler? I highly recommend.

Saturday morning we woke up, hit the grocery store and then began to cook. Mom and Ron went and picked Gigi up and brought her over as well.

Gigi and Ross discussed current events while Laci and I made dip and banana pudding for Jason's birthday. Which is actually today (HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MUFFINS!) but we have made it into a several week affair. :)

After we ate, we decided we had had enough of the heat and decided to relax in our luxurious top of the line swimming pool. The pool boy had just come on on Thursday so the pool was in top crystal clear condition.

BAHAHAHAHA. Oh yes we did!

On fancy our pool is SO fancy that one of the dogs popped a tiny hole in it with their claw, but have no fear! I just plopped my arm right on top of it and stopped the leak! PHEW. Thought I was going to have to bust out the warantee there for a second.
Sunday we said goodbye to the fam and caught up on some things around the house.... Etsy orders, the boy changed his oil and I risked my life trying to get shots of the crepe myrtle covered in wasps.

El fin.
Loads of love,