Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, March 23, 2009

Steal A Minute.

I'm swamped. Conference this week. Smiley from the weekend. Blah Blah Blah.

I think one of my coworkers said it best,"It's like a Picadilly Bloody Circus around here."

This was taken yesterday but appropriate to illustrate my Monday. I'm guessing that is also what it would look like if I was in a slasher film. Which would be named Bloody Monday, of course.

Monday, March 16, 2009

When You Don't Have Plans.*

Due to some last minute cancellations, Jason and I had the whole Saturday to ourselves. It was rainy and cold and the perfect day for us to check out the Ghengis Khan exhibit at the museum that we have been meaning to go see.

^Waiting in line to get into the parking garage.

Though a bit crowded (I'm guessing with the bad weather, everyone had the same idea we had) it was interesting and educational. Afterwards, we headed out to go eat because well, there is nothing like looking at mummified Mongolians and watching a film reenacting warriors drinking their own horses blood for nourishment to build up an appetite. Haha. We were in the mood for seafood and couldn't resist the charm of this place:

We got to try oysters rockefeller for the first time and definitely weren't dissappointed! Two thumbs up!

Then we proceeded to have a sword fight with our blood mary plastic olive swords because, well that is what you do when you are old and married and matured, you play with your food.

Not wanting the evening to end just yet, we talked about where we should go next. Ryan had called me a few days before and mentioned that there was a blues/rock band playing at his bar that night. I hadn't seen him in several months and he has been begging us to meet up and see the new renovations he has done and let me drink on a free tab all night. I don't argue with things like that. We paid for our meal and headed over to his bar. It looked so good! The bar was quite seedy before he bought it which gave it it's character but he has definitely cleaned it up a little while still maintaining it's seedy charm.

^He is the leeetle bitty guy behind the bar.

^You can kind of see Jason by that pole.
Yes, that is a Wii on the big screen on the left. I was in heaven.

We had the entire place to ourselves for several hours before people starting filing in to see the bands that night. I fed money right out of the cash register into the touch screen game and the jukebox (One of the perks of being the bar owners little sister! Haha) and caught up with Ryan on the past few months.

It was so very good to see him.

We hugged and said our goodbyes and headed home. Sometimes, the fly-by-the-seat-of-your-britches days are the best days of all.

*EDIT* Jason reminded me I left off one of the best parts. We couldn't show up to see my brother without bringing a bar-warming gift so we snagged this to give to him:

Can't see it, how about a close up?

"Feeds 5000 with 5 loaves and 2 fish!" "Turns water into wine!" "Glow-in-the-dark-hands!" Wait, WHAT?

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Happy Birthday, Chuck Norris!

I cannot believe I forgot to post on my beloved's birthday!
Yesterday Chuck Norris turned 69, but his hair only turned 20.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Photo Walk.

Friday night was date night at The Railroad Cafe. It was one of the coolest little places I have ever been. Unfortunately, we got there after dark so I couldn't snap any pictures but the one above is one I stole from Flickr.

Doesn't look like much and inside only holds maybe about 20 people but it was the quaintest little dining experience. There was one waiter, one chef and one bus boy. The menu was italian and creative and the decor was vintage light fixtures and wooden beams meets grandma's china and doilies. I ordered scallops and shrimp over fettucini and the boy got wild and crazy and ordered the lasagna. Haha. We split a bottle of cab sav and lingered for a good hour and a half before heading home with big smiles and full bellies.

Saturday Jason and the guys hit the fishing show and I headed to Kati's FUN party which was a blast as a expected. I'd also like to give a shout out to Kati and Jeff, CONGRATS! We wish you guys all the happiness in the world! Oh, and nice rock! ;o)

Sunday we slept in a little and then decided to go on a hike at a park near our house and take pictures. It was nice to get out in the 75 degree weather and get some excercise and fresh air! Note to self: Flip-flops do not make good hiking shoes.

That night we met Gary, Ginny, Augie and Evan at Carabbas for dinner to catch up. It was so good to see them and get to hold Evan for the first time in a while (We've been sick so afraid to touch him!). We all took turns eating and holding him and he is just the cutest little feller I know.

I'll wrap up with some of my favorite pics from yesterday's hike.

And of course we couldn't be completely serious..... I like to call this "Jason & The Port-O-Potty."