Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Baby Shower!

Our baby shower on Saturday was completely amazing! I was so overwhelmed by all the love and generosity and all of the incredible details my hostesses included! It was so nice to have so many people I care about in the same place! Addison Monroe is a lucky little lady already to have so many people who love and care about her already. :)

I'll let the pictures tell the rest!

XOXOX and a big thank you from Me, Jas & Addie!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Tiny Hiccups.

It has been a tough few weeks between Jason's dental stuff, my dental stuff, my pink eye and him throwing out his back.

Then we found out that Jason's sweet grandmother passed away on Monday so we will be heading out tomorrow to Naples, TX for her services on Saturday.

Jason's back is better, turns out it was his SI joint and he was able to receive a cortisone shot yesterday to help ease the pain and inflammation and he is feeling better already.

This week has been a blur trying to get his back taken care of so today we are frantically trying to get things together to leave town tomorrow.

But in all the hustle and fuss this week, we were laying on the couch last night with Jason's hand on my tummy and we both felt Addison get the hiccups for the very first time.

It was just the ray of sunshine that we needed to keep pushing through. :)


Monday, March 15, 2010

Roses & Bulging Discs.

Lovely weekend filled with seeing both our niece AND nephew, mexican food and visiting our favorite plant nursery in the country. Rose bushes and gardenias for the back beds and even a silver maple tree for the front yard. Spring is here!!

Unfortunately, while unloading said maple tree, Jason threw out his back and is quite a bit of pain so I am playing nurse this week.
Now neither one of us can bend over! :o)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Because Jason Finds This Completely Hilarious.

Oh my, how things have changed. Friday nights now consist of pizza, Netflix, in bed by 10pm and us laughing our butts off as I squeeze into my pre-pregnancy pajamas.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Busy-ness & Business.

Days fly by and as badly as I want to update, I am being terrible at it!

First things first, we start the 3rd trimester today, woooooweeeeeee! We are in the homestretch! My belly is getting bigger and I am getting clumsier (Is that even a word? It is now!) My glassware breaking tally for this pregnancy is up to 6. Things broken? One plate, one Christmas platter, two tea glasses, an 8x8 glass baking dish and yesterday, a vase. *sigh* It's like my brain doesn't connect to my fingertips to hold onto things! If I wasn't already so clumsy it wouldn't be a big deal but I am going through kitchenware at an alarming rate!

Let's see, other pregnancy things.... I have to say, I am still feeling great and little girl is moving around constantly now. We talk to her so much and I sit in the glider at random times and just rock and daydream about her. She loves the sound of her Daddy's voice and starts moving immediately when he gets by belly to talk to her, it's like she is trying so hard to tell him hello! Melts me. :)

Contributing to the busy-ness is my etsy shop is booming with business! Thus part of the reason I haven't been updating! I am so blessed to wake up every morning and wander into my studio in my pajamas and create beautiful things for lovely brides all over the country (and some across the pond!).

I can't get over how GOOD life is. I get to greet my husband every night when he comes home with a smile on my face because of the relaxing, rewarding day I have had. Every night after he sets down his jacket and laptop and kisses me and then my belly, I dream of the day when BOTH of his girls will be there to greet him when he gets home.

I know, MUSH! But I can't help it.

And to end on one last note of MUSH..... Mom came into town this past weekend and we made a trip to visit Gigi and show her the 3D ultrasound pics and video. Keep in mind, in the olden days when she had her children they didn't even have ultrasounds! In fact, they just got an X-ray at 38 weeks to make sure everything is ok, can you believe it? Of course now, they know that X-rays are a no-no for pregnant women but just shows how different things were back then! So we sat down and showed her the pics and she GASPED. She then immediately started crying with happiness. Jason happened to snap a pic right then catching her reaction and it is one of those pictures I will treasure forever because it captured the moment perfectly.

THIS is what it is all about. :)
