After a week of being under the weather (him the first half of the week, me the latter) we were finally feeling rested and well enough on Sunday to get out of the house. We took Mana to lunch to celebrate her birthday and then headed to the movies to see
Valkyrie (I highly recommend it!). Inspired by the full moon, we grabbed the camera and tripod when we got home and trekked to the empty lots in the back of our neighborhood and decided to act like complete fools whilst playing with the remote. The results (we obviously had no idea what we were doing)?

^Re-enacting the typical scary movie scene: He looks behind to watch whoever is chasing us, as I trip on a twig and twist my ankle..... slowing us down. MUAH-HAHAHA.

We also managed to get our Christmas decorations taken down and I had the hardest time bringing myself to take these down, they were all so pretty!

Luckily, next Christmas is only a mere 11 months away. :)
Your Christmas spirit is sickening. :)