Dear Addie,
I blinked one day and then you were no longer a toddler and all the sudden you are this.... kid. This little girl. I am not ready!
Further proof was when we decided to transition you to a big girl bed and we braced ourselves for the transition but you didn't skip a beat! I am sure you were thinking, "Finally! A bed that matches my sophistication and intellect! I think now I will go sit in my reading nook and read the works of Darwin." Or you know, something like that.

You have been recognizing your name on papers from school, etc so I made you this nifty puzzle that you have been working hard at but not quite there yet. Not too shabby for a 2 year old! You are smart as a whip and use such descriptive words like "delicious" and "amazing." You are counting to 13 now!

You are so sweet with your manners and starting to understand emotions like sad, happy and scared. You say "no thank you" and "thank you" and "please" on your own and give spontaneous hugs around the neck and leg. You love getting up in Mommy and Daddy's bed to watch your favorite tv shows and snuggle under the covers. Your absolute favorite show right now is "Little Einsteins." You watch it over and over and over and over! You are obsessed with all things Disney Princess and love dressing up in your princess dresses and strutting around the house.

Your favorite foods right now are yogurt, cheese, pickles and spaghetti. You are drinking 2% milk now and we all drink so much milk I have to keep it stocked up every week.
You continue to be an amazing big sister to Tate and it melts my heart to see how sweet you are with him. When he cries you tell me, "He's hungry, mamma!"
You light up our lives, kiddo!
Love, Mommy & Daddy
Man do I ever love this sweet little girl!!