Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 19, 2012

3 Months.

Dear Tate,

How these three months have flown by! Our house is busy busy! I am savoring every time I kiss your tiny toes, every time you do the adorable baby stretch when you wake from sleep, your gurgling, laughing and cooing that will one day be words and sentences. I know it won't be like this for long. You are teaching me to sloooow down and just soak in every minute. I can be juggling 542 things at once and starting to stress and then you smile at me like you are saying "Hi Mamma!" and it reminds me nothing else really matters besides you, your sister and your Daddy.

You are sleeping like a champ and a lot of the time when you are ready for bed you don't even want to be rocked, you just want to go straight to your crib.
Right now you are loving playing on your playmat, being tickled on your lips and chin and you LOVE LOVE LOVE to eat! You are 14lbs and drinking about 32oz a day. You are the most adorable chunky little bundle of love.
Another favorite past time is watching your big sister's every move. You smile when she giggles and you know her voice when she enters the room. She loves sharing with you and I cannot wait for the day when you are both really playing together. She ADORES you. Can you blame her?
Your Daddy and I thank god every day for you. You are the perfect piece in our family and we are so proud to have you as our son. The first thing Daddy does when he gets home from work is take you immediately in his arms and snuggle you like you two are in your own little world. It melts my heart.
Weekends are my favorite because we always have at least one lazy day where we all sit in our pj's and snuggle and play and watch movies and order in food and just enjoy our little family.
It is the best day of my week. :)
Love you to the moon and back,

Mommy & Daddy

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