Your doctor was so impressed with how much you have grown and how coordinated you are that he told us to skip Stage 1 and start you off on Stage 2 baby food. This is going to be a fun adventure even though the pureed beef with gravy does not look very appetizing. Pics will be coming soon of peas smeared all over your face, I'm sure.

You've mastered "Dada", "Baba" and Gaga and mimic so many things that we do. The other day we could have sworn you said "Hot Dog" but it was by accident. If I have anything in my hands (cell phone, papers, cup) you are reaching for it and trying to snatch it away from me. If I am on my laptop you are trying to "type" with me which makes for some interesting emails.

You are finding all kinds of ways to be mobile. You are rolling all over the place and squirming around to cover every inch of your mattress while you settle down to sleep. You have also been throwing your head backwards while we hold you in our laps which means you want to hang upside down and watch TV between our knees. Funny little thing. You LOVE music, anything musical makes you smile and giggle... when you are on your tummy and pushed up with your arms watching TV you sway your shoulders back and forth with the music and "dance." I finally caught it on this video.
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