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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Laci Lou.

Little sis has jumped on the blogspot train, go check her out! The link to her blog is on the right hand side called "Life Of Laci."

She is a 20 year old college student in Utah, with plenty of sass and witty comebacks. She shares her big sister's love of ice cream, cheese and Johnny Depp. She also takes pictures with me, even when I am doing things like this:

Which automatically makes her one of my favorite people.

1 comment:

  1. ahahaha I am amazing. Just kidding...but really. And really...out of all the pics we have together you posted this one? you're the best. when i come home you'll have to show me how to make my blog all cute and what not. Can't wait to see you!

    PS i posted a new posty thingy.
