I know I am her mother and I am completely bias, but good lawd, the kid is beautiful.
Just had to get that out of the way. So! Onto Valentine's Day. Last year I remember being all round and pregnant and day dreaming about this years Valentine's Day, it made me smile to think about Jason being Addie's first Valentine, and how I am happy to share him. We celebrated on Sunday and the day started out with Jason coming home from the store with flowers for both Addie and I and all the fixins for a Valentine's Day feast. Steak Diane and Lobster Thermidor for us and homemade mashed potatoes for baby girl.

He also gave me some bling in the form of earrings to match Addie's but Shhh! don't tell her that hers aren't diamonds or she'll be miffed!
Jason got an appt for a hot stone massage and I scored us tickets to Cirque de Soleil, both are things he has never experienced so I am excited for him. :)
After giving Addie her goodies, we kissed our teeny Valentine good night and put her to bed and ended the night listening to music, chowing down and drinking rosa. Because well, you know, only REAL men drink pink champagne.
After giving Addie her goodies, we kissed our teeny Valentine good night and put her to bed and ended the night listening to music, chowing down and drinking rosa. Because well, you know, only REAL men drink pink champagne.
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