Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, February 21, 2011

Addison Monroe - 9 Months!

Addie Bug,

I know I say this with each letter but I cannot believe you are 9 months old! These days you look less like our little baby and more like a little lady! Your personality comes out more and more every day and we are starting to realize we have a very girly little girl on our hands! You aren't a fan of dirt or the wet grass on your feet. When Daddy and I took your pictures this month you refused to put your feet on the grass with your bare feet and would curl your legs up so you wouldn't have to!

You LOVE your bath. No longer in the baby tub you have a whole big girl bath tub to explore and don't even cry when you dunk your head under water. You start kicking your legs and splashing excitedly from the moment we put you in the water until the moment we take you out and many times you fuss at us because you want to keep playing! You'd hang out until the water got cold if we'd let you. :)

You are crawling EVERYWHERE and we are trying our best to keep up with you. You discover something new in the house every day and examine it with complete and total fascination. You are pulling up on your play table and the tv stand and are so happy about your newfound independence.

You still eat like a little piggy though it is hard to tell because you are our super tall string bean! You love your veggie crunchies, cheese, yogurt, mashed potatoes and spaghetti.

Some of your favorite things to do are swinging in your swing, playing with the bathroom scale, jumping in your jumper, hanging out with your buddies Lexi, Jessa and Van and eating Cheerios with us in the morning while we watch cartoons and snuggle. In the past few months you have gone to the zoo, Chuck E. Cheese, The Little Gym and the lake to feed the ducks but your adventures have just begun!

We have started planning your
very first birthday party and it makes us so happy and so sad at the same time! We've been watching videos of you when you were tiny and brand new and wondering how the time flew by so quickly.

No matter how many months/years go by, one thing will always remain the same, we absolutely love and adore you!!

Love always,
Mommy & Daddy

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Littlest Valentine.

I know I am her mother and I am completely bias, but good lawd, the kid is beautiful.

Just had to get that out of the way. So! Onto Valentine's Day. Last year I remember being all round and pregnant and day dreaming about this years Valentine's Day, it made me smile to think about Jason being Addie's first Valentine, and how I am happy to share him. We celebrated on Sunday and the day started out with Jason coming home from the store with flowers for both Addie and I and all the fixins for a Valentine's Day feast. Steak Diane and Lobster Thermidor for us and homemade mashed potatoes for baby girl.

He also gave me some bling in the form of earrings to match Addie's but Shhh! don't tell her that hers aren't diamonds or she'll be miffed!

Jason got an appt for a hot stone massage and I scored us tickets to Cirque de Soleil, both are things he has never experienced so I am excited for him. :)

After giving Addie her goodies, we kissed our teeny Valentine good night and put her to bed and ended the night listening to music, chowing down and drinking rosa. Because well, you know, only REAL men drink pink champagne.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Addie Lou Retton.

A few weekends ago we went to Evan's 2nd birthday party at The Little Gym, it was such a good time! Jason had to hold me back from doing the vault and practicing my floor exercises because all the equipment was teeny tiny. Have I ever mentioned how I love tiny, miniature things? Makes me feel like a giant when I hold them. Anyway, back to the party, Addie was the youngest participant but she didn't let that stop her.... she takes her gym time very seriously: