5 Months! It is so exciting and a little sad at the same time! A few days ago, your dad and I were watching you playing with your toys on the floor and babbling away in "Addie speak" and looked at each and were like "WHERE DID OUR LITTLE BABY GO?!" It is like we blinked and you were no longer that wrinkled snuggly newborn anymore. I know we will blink again and open our eyes to you blowing out your first birthday candle so we are trying to savor every moment with you.

You continue to be Ms. Independent. You try to hold your bottle and you grab onto the spoon when we are feeding you and try to feed yourself! If you have been sitting in our laps for a while and are ready to do something else, you bow your back and try to wriggle away! This means you want to play on the floor surrounded by your puppies and your toys.

You are an affectionate little thing. Daddy lays his head in your lap and you slowly pet his hair for what seems like forever. When we hold you, you stroke our arms and shoulders so slowly and sweetly with your hands and wrap your arms around our necks when you are falling asleep (usually with a fist full of my hair firmly in your grasp). The other day you put one hand on both sides of my face and I thought I was going to melt right then and there.

Your hair is really growing though we are still not sure what color it will be. Some days it looks blonde and some days it looks more light brown. Your eyes are still an amazing blue and I am hoping they stay that way! I cannot tell you how many people have stopped me at the grocery store or when we are running errands and told me how gorgeous you were and how pretty your eyes are!
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