Seems like we have been on the go every day and I guess we have! Monday we visited Gigi and Uncle Jerry and of course had to take Addie on her first trip to Bud's BBQ.

She is doing great and I have no idea what we did to deserve such a sweet, content baby! She is sleeping 3-4 hour stretches at night which is amazing at her age. Breastfed babies are usually up every 2 hours! She is only fussy when she is hungry or needs a diaper change and spends most of her awake time completely content hanging out doing whatever we are doing or sitting in her swing and staring at all the new interesting things around her. :)
Yesterday we had the photographers out for her newborn photo shoot and I am D.Y.I.N.G. for them to send us teasers! It was so nice to just sit back with Jason while they did their thing and admire our sweet little daughter and how beautiful and amazing she really is. I've noticed sometimes I get caught up in breastfeeding and pumping and changing diapers and whatever-needs-to-be-done-next that I need to just stop and enjoy every second of this because it will go by so very fast! The laundry can wait, the dishes can wait, returning phone calls can wait and YES, even blogging can wait so I can just be with her and listen to her soft breathing when she sleeps and bless her tiny sneezes and tickle her monkey toes.
She won't be like this for long. :)
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