My belly feels like it is growing rapidly and the pregnant hungry all the time thing has FINALLY kicked in. I had lunch at Smashburger today and not only wolfed down my burger but ate most of Kati's fries as well.... I don't even like fries! I'm also finally big enough that strangers notice and I am getting all kinds of favors like cuts in line and extra fudge on my sundae. SCORE!
Overall, I am feeling great. I am getting plenty of rest and relaxation and I feel it is having an incredible effect on me and the baby. My main struggle right now is learning how to do some maneuvering! It is harder to climb in and out of bed (I need a stool!), tying my shoes is becoming a little more difficult and my yoga pants and Jason's comfy t-shirts have become my new best friend! My tiny belly button is still hanging on and I wonder if it will ever pop out!
I wake up every morning so grateful and cannot believe this is happening to us. This tiny human growing inside of me is