It clicked in my head, I am about to find out what our baby is!!! At the end of reading all the results for the genetic testing (which were all good and clear! PHEW) the tone of the voicemail changes and she says, "And congratulations, you are having a.... XXXXXX."
I couldn't believe it. So much so that I called back to listen to it again.
Holy mackeral, she really DID just say that! I resisted every urge I had to call Jas right then and tell him because I knew I wanted to suprise him in person.
I stopped by Walmart on the way home and bought supplies. Ross helped me blow up balloons.
When Jas came through the door I smiled and told him to go look and see what I got for the nursery. And when he opened the door, he saw this:
That's right folks, WE ARE HAVING A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A sweet baby girl.

A daughter. And I know as women we say, "I don't care what it is as long as it is healthy." Which is true.
But I think it is safe now to admit that though I thought it was a boy, I was secretly hoping for a girl.
I think I was afraid to say it out loud for fear it wouldn't come true.
We're having a daughter.
Addison "Addie" Monroe Hensley
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