Now that Bug has left babydom and entered toddlerhood, it is a rare occurence that I get to watch her sleeping. I remember when she was a tiny newborn I would watch her for hours, the rise and fall of her chest and her warm sweet baby breath on my skin as I held her.
Today we went to her buddy Van's house and they played. And played. And played. So much so that we didn't make it to story time at the library today because 5 minutes after leaving she was fast asleep with her favorite little bunny on her lap. :)
Our 4th was pretty laid back. We had family over, watched Addie swim in her pool and did wagon rides, bubble blowing and ate. OH did we eat. Baby back ribs, brisket, chicken, potato salad, beans, apple pie and Addie had her very first taste of homemade ice cream: .It doesn't really get more American than that.